In subtropical climates like ours, bugs absolutely thrive all year long. That means the pests like mosquitoes can swarm in large numbers, plaguing local property owners and even bringing diseases with them. Learning how to keep them out of your yard and off your skin can help protect you from the nastiest side effects of a mosquito population.

Mosquitoes & Their Bites
It’s not just their buzzing, biting ways that make mosquitoes such gross pests. They are parasites, feeding off the bloodstream of animals and people alike. As such, they go where people are, making them common invaders of yards and structures. Unlike other pests, which bite as a defense mechanism, mosquitoes do it to access the blood underneath our skin. This is what makes them such terrible super-spreaders of diseases. By picking up infected blood from one host, they can then spread it to another when they go and feed on their next victim. As such, mosquitoes are far more dangerous pests than other invasive bugs that you find around your property.
The Dangers Of Mosquitoes
Because of their feeding habits, mosquitoes are some of the most dangerous animals on the planet. That’s right, it’s not lions, tigers, or bears (oh my!), it’s tiny little flying mosquitoes. That’s because they carry and spread some of the most serious illnesses around, responsible for some of the worst pandemics in human history. Here are some of the diseases mosquitoes spread:
- West Nile Virus: Those who remember the West Nile virus scares of the 1990s and early 2000s will recognize that this disease is closely associated with mosquitoes. Global health organizations even had to track mosquito populations to track the spread of the virus.
- Zika Virus: Another virus spread by mosquitoes, this is a more modern version of the same kind of scares that the West Nile virus resulted in. While the Zika virus is most often associated with mild symptoms, there is no vaccine and therefore stopping its spread is the only way to contain it.
- Ebola: A more serious blood-borne illness, ebola can lead to some truly frightening symptoms in serious cases. As a disease that attacks the blood, mosquitoes can easily spread it.
How To Reduce Mosquito Encounters
Now, it’s not like every mosquito bite will lead to serious illness. In the United States, chances are pretty low that local mosquitoes would be carriers of those diseases listed above. But, even if they aren’t spreading diseases, it’s not like you want parasites feeding off of you anyway. That’s why it’s important to take steps around your property, and when you go outside, to reduce your risk of exposure to mosquito bites. Here are some ways to prevent bites:
- Landscaping: Mosquitoes like yards with tall grasses and overgrown plants, which provide them with landing pads to rest on. Keeping your lawn well-trimmed will reduce your risk of yard pests.
- Moisture control: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so any pools or puddles around your property will attract them. Proper lawn drainage can help.
- Treatments: Not only can treated garments help ward off mosquitoes, but lawn treatments can also keep them at bay.
Let The Pros Help
The best way to make sure that pest populations are under control is with the help of pest experts. At Green Flag Services, we can inspect your property immediately for signs of mosquitoes or any other pests that might cause you problems. Our inspections not only help to root out problem areas, so you know what to address around your property, they also allow us to catch pests before they become larger problems. Only professional treatments are guaranteed to ward off mosquitoes safely, not to mention eliminate existing populations. For true protection from mosquitoes and their dangerous bites, contact Green Flag Services today.
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