The Most Effective Way To Get Rid Of House Spiders In Orlando


Several types of spiders call Orlando home. Fortunately, most of the spiders in this area are not considered dangerous, but that doesn't mean you want these arachnids crawling through your home. If you have a spider problem in your home, we're here to help. At Green Flag Services, we have been providing comprehensive pest control in Orlando for fifty-five combined years and know the steps you need to take to make your home a spider-free space.

black widow spider up close

What The Spiders In Orlando Look Like

Orlando has a wide range of spider species commonly found here, and only some are considered dangerous to humans. Here is a look at some of the different types of spiders that you are most likely to see around your home:

  • Cellar spider: The cellar spider is also commonly called "daddy longlegs'' because of its incredibly long, thin legs. This spider likes to hang out in dark and damp areas, which is why you can commonly find them in cellars, basements, and crawl spaces.
  • Orb-weaver spider: There are several types of orb-weaver spiders in Florida, with the most common type being the golden silk spider. The female golden silk spider can grow to be about 1 1/2 inches long. The females usually have light brown or yellow bodies and long legs with small patches of hair. The male is much smaller and is usually only about 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch long. These spiders prefer gardens and other outdoor areas. However, they can come inside if they sense an available food source in your home.
  • Jumping spiders: The gray wall jumping spider is the most common type of jumping spider found in Pensacola. These small spiders are generally between 5/16 and 13/32 inches long and usually have some combination of black and gray on their hair-covered bodies.
  • Black widow spider: The black widow is one of the most dangerous spiders on this list. The female black widow has a shiny black body about a 1/2 inch long and a red marking on her abdomen in the shape of an hourglass. If you believe you have been bitten by a black widow spider, you should seek medical assistance immediately. 
  • Brown widow spider: The brown widow spider is about the same size as the black widow spider. When fully grown, the brown widow is almost an inch long. This spider has a light brown body with an orange or yellow marking on its abdomen that looks like an hourglass. The female brown widow's bite is as poisonous as the black widows. 
  • Brown recluse spider: Unlike many other brown spiders, the brown recluse is dangerous to humans. This spider can range from 1/4 to 15/32 of an inch. The brown recluse has a light brown body that features a dark violin-shaped mark on its back.

Most of the spiders on this list are harmless. They are able to bite, but at the most, you may feel slight pain, itching, and swelling that should subside in a few days. However, if you believe a brown recluse, a black, or a brown widow has bitten you, you should seek medical help immediately.

Are House Spiders In Orlando Poisonous?

Most spiders contain venom that can kill or paralyze their prey. For the most part, a spider's venom is relatively harmless to humans. However, the black widow, brown widow, and brown recluse have venom that can be harmful and, in rare cases, even fatal to humans.

Some of the symptoms that you may notice from a black widow spider bite include:

  • Pain and redness near the bite
  • Swelling
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea or vomiting

If you are bitten by a brown recluse, you could experience the same symptoms. However, some people bitten by a brown recluse also experience pale skin around the bite with a dark purple or blue ring around it. The site may become a large open wound, which signifies the skin tissue is dying. If bitten by the black widow or the brown recluse, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Five Eco-Friendly Spider Prevention Tips

If you want to keep spiders out of your home, follow these five easy steps:

  1. Keep the grass in your yard cut short.
  2. Don't leave your outdoor lights on all night, as that will attract insects, and spiders primarily feed on insects. 
  3. Fix leaky faucets or pipes in and around your home as soon as possible.
  4. Seal any cracks or gaps found in the exterior walls of your home.
  5. Don't leave food, including pet food, out where insects can get to it.

As long as spiders think that there is a viable food and water source in your home, they will try to come inside. The best way to keep spiders out of your home is to make food, shelter, and water inaccessible to them.

The Safe And Effective Way To Get Rid Of Spiders

It can be challenging to get rid of spiders on your own. If you notice spiders in your Orlando home, call us today. At Green Flag Services, our technicians will thoroughly inspect your home and determine why you have a pest problem. We then go to work to develop a comprehensive plan using safe and eco-friendly treatments to eliminate all of the spiders from your home for good.

When you need home pest control in Orlando, you need Green Flag Services. With fifty-five combined years of pest control experience, we'll get rid of your spiders in no time. Call us today for a free estimate or to schedule a free inspection.

Tags: spider control | spider prevention tips | spiders in orlando |

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